While some weapons can be found on fallen enemies, in drop crates, and via other sources of swag (listed as Looted below), the majority of weapons in the game are made by you. It can be hard to piece together what your de facto zombie destroyer is when you’re in the dark, but with a little bit of digging (and some help from our friends over at the Last Day on Earth Wikia) we found the sweet stat spread so you can find your favorite method of mayhem for surviving your Last Day on Earth. 

Here is each weapon in the game, as well as that weapon’s type, damage, speed, DPS, and sneak attack where applicable. 

Now that you’ve picked out your tools of the trade, the hard part begins. See, crafting in Last Day on Earth: Survival has a few requirements – to unlock most items, you need to be at a certain character level. Once they are, a range of skill points is needed to “unlock” that schematic (usually a single point). Finally, you’re going to need the actual materials to make the weapon itself. 

If that sounds like a lot, never fear – we’ve broken it down into zombie-bite sized chunks below:


 *Currently uncraftable in-game due to unimplemented materials or workspaces. Some may be found through various packs/crates or throughout the game. 

Of course, some items can’t be crafted in Last Day on Earth: Survival no matter how advanced your character is and must be found in the crates, bags, and corpses (hostile and otherwise) found out in the world – or purchased through the Trader.

While most of these spawn in a grab-bag, RNG-confetti style all over the map, one weapon specifically has a zeroed in “spawn location” – that is, it will appear in the same location in a new game every time. 

The bad news is, it’s only a guaranteed drop on your first trip through the spawn location. The good news is, it’s a lot better than a wood plank with a couple nails through it:

Of course, you can always add a little more firepower to your arsenal by picking up one of the many in-game packs available for purchase (some containing valuable, currently uncraftable firearms) but with the lists above and some smart use of the free Minigun the game hands you, you can easily grind horde after horde without dropping a dime. 

All it’s gonna take you is 18 Tungsten bars and 4 Weapon Parts…

That’s a wrap for this guide! If you need more help with the staying alive in this mobile game, be sure to check out the rest of our Last Day on Earth guides for other tips and tricks to help you get ahead: