Laura sealed the deal with her curling iron spouse Geoff Walker in 2021 and has since become a parent of two children. They were honored with their most memorable kid Liam in 2020. He commended his second birthday celebration on September 21. Tragically, the athletic couple needed to bear the deficiency of their initial two babies before they invited their most memorable youngster. In the wake of bearing the deficiency of unborn children, they were frightened about their third pregnancy. The Walker couple dwells in Edmonton, Alberta, with their two children. Laura Walker Child Weston James Walker Laura Walker child Weston James Walker is her second child after two premature deliveries.

She conveyed him on July 29, 2022. Despite the fact that he weighed 8 lbs and 8 oz upon entering the world, he was a solid youngster with a charming grin.

The athletic couple declared the pregnancy through virtual entertainment on Walk 1, 2022. Weston’s more established brother, Liam, wore a shirt with Elevated to Big brother print.

Love between the two kin is obviously found in the image posted by Laura on her authority Instagram. In the photos, her fans and devotees likewise valued the adoration shown by Liam.

Their recently born kid was found in the huge homerun of twisting to cheer his dad with his mom and brother. Weston James is four months old and will before long be ready to go around the house.

Laura and Geoff Favored With Liam In 2020 Laura Walker and Geoff had their most memorable youngster Liam Walker in Fall of 2020.

Liam is the more established brother of Weston James by two years.

Laura and Geoff experience being a parent interestingly on September 21, 2020, in Alberta, Canada. Liam was born after the deficiency of two babies. Laura shared her premature delivery on the event of Pregnancy and Newborn child misfortune in 2020.

Her significant other cried by embracing her subsequent to acknowledging they were pregnant for the third time. The tears were not of bliss but rather of dread as a result of the occurrence of their last two unborn children.

This pair made public their pregnancy after the twentieth week through her authority Instagram with the inscription midway. During her pregnancy, she as often as possible refreshed her fans and well-wishers about her sound way of life. Likewise, she was seen at the Field Golf Club working out.

Meet the new calf, same as the old calf. (@LauraWalkerKC) December 13, 2022

The couple had a maternity take shots at MacTaggart Safe-haven, where they notice that the photoshoot has a great deal of lovely recollections and they were enthusiastically holding back to meet their small child.

Laura invested the majority of her energy with their brown-shaded feline Penny during her pregnancy. The family has regarded the feline as their family and even call Penny their most memorable kid.

Laura Walker Spouse Geoff Walker Is Styler Laura Walker spouse Geoff Walker is a styler from Canada who lives in Alberta. Laura and Geoff wedded in 2018. Like her better half, she is likewise a Canadian curling iron related with Alberta beginning around 2012. This couple went to the Canadian Blended Twofold Twisting Olympic Preliminary in 2018 and came to the end of the season games. It was that very year, the delightful competitor couple secured the bunch on May 13, 2018, and began living in Alberta. The couple had been together for quite a while before their marriage. Curling iron players declared their commitment to 2016 after she expressed yes to his proposition. He proposed in Jamaica when they were on their excursion.

Laura and Geoff had their wedding in Mexico in Royalton Riviera Cancun. They were seen hitting the dance floor with one another and invested their quality energy there. The two had wanted to have their special first night in South Korea.

One month before their second commemoration, this couple imparted news about their pregnancy to their fans and devotees.