The Drama Ensues

While Riot Games has added tons of new content including new skins, re-made maps, and a game mode through the campaign Bilgewater: Burning Tides, it also brought along the Lore-Death of Gangplank. His death is during Act III of the story’s progression this week, by the hands of his nemesis Miss Fortune. If you were to currently open League of Legends, an alert would appear in the top bar saying: “Gangplank is dead and has been disabled in all queues,” which not only significantly shows his death, lore-wise, but also as a playable character.

Although League of Legends has quite an intricate story, when it comes to gameplay the story has never taken such precedence, which has lead this action to make many gamers feel a bit distraught. While he is the first Champion to be eliminated, Gangplank has quite a fan base behind him with many conspiracy theories.

Gangplank Conspiracy Theories

Many people believe Gangplank isn’t gone for good, and will eventually re-appear within the game.

It’s very suspect that Gangplank is removed from gameplay right when his character and kit just got redone in the Bilgewater: Burning Tides campaign. The addition to this theory is that Riot Games has been telling their customers to remain calm for a few days while they assess the issue, and that refunds are not being addressed.

Information regarding the campaign Bilgewater: Burning Tides, GameSkinny has an article on the release and more details on the maps and storyline. Look for the article “Yarr Mateys, League of Legends gets a Pirate Transformation for Seasonal Campaign ‘Bilgewater: Burning Tides’.”

What do you think of this elimination of the Champion Gangplank? Do you believe he will have some epic resurrection back into game-play as maybe Ghost or Zombie Gangplank?