Each Runeterra deck consists of three card types: champions, units, and spells. Champions are very powerful unit cards that can level up. Units are minions with or without abilities. And spells are helpful magical tools that can be cast during various stages of the match-up.

Below you will find three of the best decks dominating the current Legends of Runeterra meta. These fit into three classical deck archetypes: aggro, midrange, and control.

Best Aggro Deck: Lucian and Hecarim



This aggro deck has a progressive plan that you can use to win games almost automatically.


Usually, you want to start with Shark Chariot and cast a copy of Fading Memories on it. This will force Shark Chariot to return and attack for another 3 damage.

Then, you can play Soul Shepherd with Haunted Relic and attack with three 2/2 spirits. This combo is especially strong early in the game, when there are not that many blockers.


Lucian should be your first champion. When you have at least eight other allies dead, play Hecarim and level it up. When you’re out of cards, use Glimpse Beyond and Vanguard Redeemer for draw.

Best Midrange Deck: Elise’s Spiderlings


Deck code:


The centerpiece of this deck is its champion: the fearsome Elise. Level her quickly, play Hapless Aristocrat and Crawling Sensation. Both are very cheap and summon the required number of spiderlings.


Then play Elise alongside Frenzied Skitterer. It not only buffs your spiderlings, but it also reduces the attack power of the blocking units. Use Black Spear and Rhasa the Sunderer to remove unwanted blockers. 

When the path is clear, you can attack the opponent with all your spiderlings for one victorious blow.


Best Control Deck: Frostbite Drain


Deck code:


This control deck doesn’t rely on any champions, because it doesn’t need to. It has a solid number of removal spells, such as Avalanche, Vengeance, and The Ruination. It comes with several useful smaller units to play early in the game, and a few big ones that can really impact the outcome of the match-up.


For example, Commander Ledros removes half of the life points from the enemy Nexus, which allows you to kill your opponent much faster. At the same time, you can heal your own Nexus with the help of Drain spells, such as Grasp of the Undying and Withering Wail.


Altogether these cards make up one of the most devastating decks in the current Legends of Runeterra meta. So keep an eye out on it, if you can afford it.

These were the best decks in the Legends of Runeterra open beta. As the game evolves, we will look at other deck combinations. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more on T as it becomes available. 

Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 66Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 66Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 18Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 95Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 94Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 89Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 43Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 12Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 73Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 81Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 94Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 62Legends of Runeterra Best Decks  Aggro  Midrange  and Control   Legends of Runeterra - 89