79 years of age Lekan Balogun is a prestigious technocrat, lawmaker, and creator who was born in 1942. He began his schooling at CAC Modern School, Anlugbua. Lekan was living with one of his brothers, the late Hamzat Balogun who was a government worker. He was reading up for the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level ( GCE O’L). While Lekan was preferring a quick outcome school in the UK and was dealing with the way of improving his presentation in the assessment, he was covertly perusing his brother’s correspondence instructional exercises which he told later that it turned out to be exceptionally useful for him in qualifying the tests.


While he was in the second year of the three-year present day school program, Lekan took part in the passing assessment and got passed. Hence, he passed on the school without giving any earlier significance to the program. Lekan got affirmed and headed out to the United Kingdom where he sought after his schooling in O and A levels declarations. He additionally sought after low maintenance task to support himself alongside the accreditation program. He was then younger than 18 years of age.

Lekan left the college in 1973 with a Master’s certification in Administration and Economics. He began having a concise spell with the Lamberth Local Government Social Services Department. He worked for the division for something like one and half years later which his scholastics took a superior tendency and he got himself selected for a Ph.D. In 1973, Balogun continued his exploration individual at ABU Center for Social and Economic Research. Around then, he was given the choice to fill in as an instructor at the University of Ife now Obafemi Awolowo University.

However, he picked ABU rather than different choices. He picked ABU due to his craving to relate with others who likewise had a place with his origination and knew about the way of life from where he should be actually and initially. It was during his visit in the UK when Balogun fostered the white-dark awareness and began acknowledging how individuals are scrutinizing, accusing, supporting, or in any event, settling on decisions among white and individuals of color. He understood the battle of individuals getting transformed into activists and battling for basic liberties.

To give vent to his enthusiasm, Lekan Balogun additionally joined the radical Marxist development. He turned out to be essential for the dinky waters of legislative issues in 1978 when he chose to join the PRP of Late Aminu Kano. His trustworthiness, allure, and bravery before long assisted the party with ascending the political stepping stool because of which he was given regard and acknowledgment with the political over-burdens of Oyo State.

Inside a brief period, he made his moderate and unbelievable markings while being a legislator, dissident, and hero of the discouraged masses. Afterward, he turned into the gubernatorial up-and-comer and one driving piece of the major ideological groups in the nation, i.e., the Nigerian People’s Party (NPP) of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe. He was kept by the tactical upset of December 1983 and he went through just about 16 years with his political foundation. Afterward, he reappeared as the political congressperson in the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1999.