An assertion delivered by the housemate’s group uncovered that his better half experienced a premature delivery.

“The previous weeks have been generally pursuing for the group of Adjepkovu. We are disheartened by the deficiency of Kess’ child through an unsuccessful labor yet we are helped by the great wishes and kind considerations of companions around,” the assertion peruses.

“Exceptional respects to the spouse for being solid and valiant through the entire experience. The family is crushed at the most profound level by the misfortune, however we need to repeat that the spouse is in ideal condition as it happened weeks prior, the family aggregately concluded this present time is the perfect open door to report the news.”

— Grateful Grace (@GratefulGrace3) August 11, 2022

While the level two housemate is apparently uninformed about the misfortune, during his journal meeting recently, he opened up with Big Brother about feeling miserable following his home’s numerous misfortunes at the HoH games and bet assignments.

Kess is the main hitched housemate in the BBNaija S7 release and has kept a show free character.