It is unknown if there will be any core gameplay changes or exclusive content in the port, but we do know that it will have enhanced HD graphics. Y

o-Kai Watch 1 for Nintendo Switch also works with Yo-kai Arc and DX Yo-Seiken toys, similar to the most recently released Yo-Kai Watch 4: We’re Looking Up At The Same Sky. 

Previously, the Yo-Kai Watch series utilized the camera on the Nintendo 3DS to scan QR codes found on the back of Yo-Kai Watch medal toys and through various other means.

It is currently unknown if Yo-Kai Watch 1 for Nintendo Switch will see release outside of Japan, but since the western localization for Yo-Kai Watch 4 was announced recently, it’s definitely possible. Yo-Kai Watch 3 was a combined version of all three Japanese versions of the third game in the main series.

Yo-Kai Watch 1 for Nintendo Switch launches in Japan on October 10, 2019. Players who purchase the game will also receive a code to befriend McKraken, the final boss of Yo-Kai Watch, in Yo-Kai Watch 4.