Lewis Ashdown is a 19-year-old who has been accused of homicide. He is an occupant of Normansland, Fairwarp, Uckfield. Close by, he holds British identity and has a place with white ethnic foundation.


Lewis Ashdown’s folks are not known up to this point. Additionally, they have not been out in the media for any meetings. In any case, they ought to be in contact with the concerned specialists as their child has been accused of homicide. There is no data on Lewis Ashdown’s family as well.

Notwithstanding, his folks and the whole family should be loaded up with distress for all that is going on with their kid. As unmistakably expressed before, Lewis Ashdown was accounted for missing alongside the casualty Marc Williams on Sunday, May 30, 2021.

Regardless, Ashdown has now been found and captured. He is in guardianship and accused of the homicide of Marc. He will show up at Lewes Crown Court on Friday, June 4, 2021.

As per police authorities, Williams’ vanishing ended up being a criminal examination and states that he has been killed. Still and all, Marc’s body has not been found, and the hunt is going on quickly. Marc’s family makes reference to that he was adoring, mindful, and an amazingly insightful kid.

Thank you for sharing our appeal. pic.twitter.com/xGh06ePA8v

— Wealden Police (@Wealden_Police) June 1, 2021

The casualty’s family is right now in profound distress and is by and large completely propped by the officials. In addition, as indicated by the cops, anybody with the subtleties on the occurrence can help them on the web or through a call at 101.