Challenge Accepted; Borderlands Movie

Avi and Ari Arad from Lionsgate are the two producers that will be working towards making a respectable Borderlands movie, with confidence through the roof. Avi Arad was a former chief creative officer from Marvel Entertainment, and you may have seen some of his previous work:

X-Men Iron Man The Amazing Spider-Man

From the Lionsgate Motion Picture Group, Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger, seem very optimistic Liongate’s abilities to produce a Borderlands movie that will uphold the same attitude that Borderlands represents; comical fun with a driven plot.

The year of the motion picture

  • Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger, Lionsgate

It seems to be a growing trend as of late, for video game companies to look into motion pictures. It’s been recently found that Shigeru Miyamoto from Nintendo has considered the idea of furthering the Nintendo movie franchise. Though it would be a difficult challenge, Nintendo now has to compete with Gearbox for the big screen. 

What do you think of Gearbox and Lionsgate teaming together for a Borderlands movie? Do you think they can keep the characters accurate along with the setting? Share your comments below!